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Monday, April 23, 2007

Earth Day 2007 What we can do!

This past Sunday was Earth Day. Over the weekend I was able to catch tons of tv shows focusing on what we a nation and citizens of the earth can do to help save the planet. After watching some of the programs I found myself very concerned and bothered by the current state of the earth. I began to wonder can 1 person really make a difference? Will the nation really catch on to this new " Go Green" campaign? What is the easiest thing to do? And then I found this web site. Http://

Erveryone of us gets junk mail, we all end up throwing directly in the trash. Well just imagine it takes 100,000,000 trees and 28 billion gallons of water to produce this junk every year. And no one has stopped this slaughter yet. No one wants to receive the mail and it is a prime example of waste. Greendimes will stop the junk from coming to your home by directly contacting the distributors and plant a tree in your name every month you are a memeber to help replace the millions already lost, everyone wins...The cost is only .10cents per day and you will be making a change for the better...

Some other tips
1) do not run the water while shaving or brushing your teeth...
2) refrain from using more paper towels or toliet paper than you really need...Use recycled
3) change just 1 of your light bulbs to the new more energy eff. ones...
4) get rid of the over sized SUV!

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